Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Syllabus

I've been in Peru for two full days now (almost), and I feel like I'm back in college again except for the fact that there are vineyards and mountains around me instead of cornfields, and there aren't many English-speakers or Lutherans around.

Remember the first week of school when the professors gave you a syllabus and told you everything you were going to have to do that semester? It got a little overwhelming and you felt like you wouldn't see daylight for the next five months. I sometimes feel the same way right now. There is so much I have to learn: people's names and backgrounds, how short term trips are planned, the history of the country/region so I can share it with teams who come, Peruvian Spanish, how best to serve the people here, and how to drive a stick a bus...with a lot of Americans who are going to flip out about how people drive here (and rightfully so).

I was starting to feel overwhelmed by everything this morning, and then I checked my email. I saw that several people had left encouraging comments on my facebook wall promising prayers and giving well-wishes, and I got an email from someone with more very encouraging words, and all of a sudden I felt fine. I was up for the challenge. I was reminded that I don't need to learn everything this week, or this month, maybe not even this year. God will work through me somehow - maybe with me and maybe in spite of me - but I'll do my best, and there will be lots of prayers, and God's Word will be preached!

There are so many good things happening already. I love my team. I love the house and the apartment. I love the landlady (she's already watching out for us). I love learning new Spanish words and phrases every hour. I love the support I've already gotten from everyone back home. I love my alpaca blanket and the view of the mountains in the back yard and the sheep "baaa-ing" somewhere close by. Gracias a Dios por todo.

Update on life and plans in Peru:
Katie and I arrived late on Tuesday, and Bruce and Anthony picked us up and took us to the apartment. We ran errands in the morning on Wednesday, including registering for language school. Katie and I will take classes Monday - Thursday for the next four weeks, and then we'll go with Anthony to Lunahuana on the weekends to get to know people there. After signing up for school, we went to Lunahuana (about 2 hours away), and started getting settled in the house there. We've been meeting people, taking stick shift driving lessons (first one today for me), trying new food, and just learning a lot. We talked to some Jehovah Witnesses (our first house visitors) this morning.

I guess that's about all for now. I'll try to post some pictures soon. Thanks for the continued prayers!


  1. so excited for you and all your new adventures! when can i come visit your alpaca blanket and goats? :)

    i pray you and your team will have a powerful impact in Peru, and i also pray God gives you lot's of hilarious moments with the people that create lasting memories.

  2. dearest jamie,

    good to know people have welcomed you with open arms and large amounts of delicious food. good to know you're feeling at home. good to see your arms raised in excitement in your photo! good to know you've got awesome folks around you. good to know you are "loving" so many things. good to know God is good. good to know He's promised to provide for your needs, whatever they may be. :)

    cheers to you, senorita!

  3. Hey !! I'm so glad you guys are there safe and that you met the landlady ;) You girls (and Anthony of course) are in our prayers! I'm glad you like the house, maybe one day I can come stay with you girls ;)
