Last night as we were studying John chapter 6, we were talking about Jesus feeding the 5,000. Before he performs the miracle, Jesus asks Philip, "Where shall we buy the bread for these people to eat?" Philip sees no solution to this problem, even though he's already seen Jesus perform several signs and miracles. I wanted to make the point that man is generally slow to believe even after witnessing amazing things God has done. So, I started translating that statement to Spanish, using the word "hombres" (men). I should have used "seres humanos" (human beings) or maybe even "el hombre" (man), because basically what I started saying was, "men are slow to..." and before I could finish my statement, all the men started giving me a hard time about being a feminist and pretended like they were offended. We all got a good laugh out of my mistake.
I've heard that people remember things better when they have emotional ties, like laughter, to what they are learning. This is just another example of God's amazing design. I love His sense of humor (Exhibit A: moving a schedule-oriented, on-time, blonde girl to Latin America) and the fact that He gifted us with them as well. Not only do we get to enjoy the laughter that comes from them, but it helps us learn more and be healthier.
"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then is was said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'" - Psalm 126:2
April fools right? haha... so excited for your Bible Study. I'm glad that has been a blessing to so many including you!