Today as Katie and I were coming home from Bible study in Lucumo, my phone rang. Cindy from Hotel Rumi Wasi was calling to let me know that they were cleaning out some storage at the hotel, and they found 2 boxes worth of stuff that Anthony had stored there. She wanted to know if we could come get it, so we stopped by on our way home.
We opened the first box to make sure it was ours, and sitting right on top was a Luther's Small Catechism in Spanish. There were 29 more in the box. We also found about 10 Spanish Bibles, some crafts and hygiene items that short-term teams had left, and, at the very bottom, the registration list from the 2009 eyeglass clinic.
The hotel workers had no idea why Katie and I kept looking at each other wide-eyed, smiling and laughing. Katie said it all when she looked at me and mouthed, "Thanks, God."
Thanks for what I was looking for, and thank you for the reminder that you're with us, in control, and faithful.
I love this. Makes me smile : )