Thursday, March 10, 2011

Turning the Tables

Recently, Katie and I invited some of our Peruvian friends in Lunahuana to experience a taste of America. We had them over for "brinner" (breakfast for dinner - that was fun to explain in Spanish), and we made them pancakes. It was quite an experience. First of all it was new food for them. They had actually never seen maple syrup before, and none of them had tried pancakes either. Second of all (and this was most interesting to me), they felt REALLY uncomfortable sitting at the table, passing the food, and choosing how much they wanted.

In the Peruvian culture, whoever makes the food also dishes it onto the plates and serves each person one at a time. No one chooses how much they want (which is probably why I've gained a few extra pounds - they are generous with their servings), and they don't have to figure out how to arrange it on their plate or anything. I think they were afraid of taking too much food and looking like a pig or taking too little food and offending the cook (Katie makes killer pancakes).

Watching our Peruvian guests squirm a little was actually somewhat satisfying to Katie and me. Not to be mean, but I think it gave them a taste of what we both experience on a daily basis, and how unsettling it can feel to operate in a different culture/language. Sometimes it takes being in that position to be able to relate to foreigners and know how to interact with them. Our guests understand us, and our awkwardness, just a little bit better now.


  1. I love brinner :) Hopefully this will be a tradition now that maybe I can take part in soon ;)

  2. I just read this...LOVE IT! What a great night. And yes, Christel, you can absolutely participate when you are in town. Looking forward to it!
